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Surrounded by Idiots

10. Oct 2024, 19.00 - 21.00
Scandic Falkoner
Falkoner Allé 9
2000 Frederiksberg
Registration deadline
3. October 2024
Waitling list
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Join us for an insightful lecture with Thomas Eriksson, author of the global sensation 'Surrounded by Idiots,' which has resonated with millions across over eighty countries. Discover how to enhance everyday communication and bridge the gaps created by our differences. Unlock the secrets to better communication! 

What You Will Gain

  • Learn to understand and respect diverse personalities with ease.
  • Reduce misunderstandings.
  • Save time and improve your self-awareness by grasping the behavioral patterns defined by four colors: red, yellow, green, and blue.

Experience Thomas Eriksson’s renowned lecture, inspired by his bestselling books. Delve into the framework of the four-color personalities and uncover the significance of recognizing and embracing our unique differences.

Please note, the lecture will be conducted in English.

At 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Arrival at Scandic Falkoner Auditorium. Finansforbundet will welcome you and provide you with the entrance ticket and a drink ticket.
At 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Lecture by Thomas Erikson
At 9:00 PM: Thank you and good night

About the Speaker
Thomas Eriksson, the mastermind behind 'Surrounded by Idiots,' brings his expertise to Copenhagen. His engaging and thought-provoking lecture promises to leave you with practical tools for smoother and more effective communication.


Center for læring og udvikling

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