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Rights & Rules

What are you entitled to and what are you obliged to? Read the collective agreement and get answers to questions about your working life.

English / Dansk

Salary and Wages

Holiday and absence

Illness and industrial injury


Have you been terminated?

How and when should you give in your notice? What are your rights if your terms and conditions of employment are drastically changed? And what should you know about notice periods and severance agreements? Learn about your rights and options in relation to termination of employment.

Know your rights

Children and maternity leave

Working hours

Loyalty and contractual clauses

Collective Agreements

Contact Legal Department

32 66 13 30

Call us on Monday-Thursday 8.30 - 16.00 or Friday 8.30 - 15.00

You can also write us an email to

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All new members get the first three months free. This applies to everyone who has not been a member of Finansforbundet in the past 6 months.

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